Thursday, May 28, 2009

East Texas Forests

In case you're interested, my article on the history and status of the East Texas Forests just appeared in the June 2009 Issue of Texas Parks & Wildlife. You can check out the online version here.

Beautiful color photos as well as archival photos from the old logging days accompany the print version. Here are a few snapshots I took back in early February at Boykin Springs, one of the last and best places in Texas to see nice stands of longleaf pine.
Note the blackened boles and open open, grassy woods. Fire is a critical component in the longleaf forest.


Matt Mullenix said...

My first job with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Comm. was to help regional biologists survey a new state land purchase for red-cockaded woodpecker colonies.

Nearly the entire tract was in longleaf pine, gorgeous flatwoods ("park-like" they always call it, and that was right). The place is in central Florida near Ocala; I was there in January of that year--walking day after day through those open woods and beneath a cool, clear blue sky. I felt like a king.

Later, in July, when it was time to go back and take habitat measurements (meaning about 100 microscopic notations for every tick-infested pine tree), things were a bit different.

Henry Chappell said...

Matt, I hear you. I always try to take care of any deep East Texas "research," in early spring, fall, or winter. Even May squirrel season can be awfully buggy and hot.

mdmnm said...

Just got around to reading my TP&W magazine. Great article!

Henry Chappell said...

Thanks, Mike! I really enjoyed working on that one.